From Theory to Practice: Certification of Development Processes with IEC 62443-4-1


februar 6, 2025    
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm


Tilmeldinger lukket

Time: Thursday, 6th Feb, 16:30 – 18:00
Place: Alsion, M304-M307 (go to the main entrance and take lift to the 3rd floor, head East 😉
Sign-up: Sunday, 2nd Feb, 23:59

Sandwiches will be served, if you have special dietary needs then you can order a chicken or vegetarian sandwich by sending an email to Krzysztof (

Topic: From Theory to Practice: Certification of Development Processes with IEC 62443-4-1

The talk will present challenges of conducting a process certification without simultaneously conducting a product certification.
IEC 62443-4-1 defines how a secure product development process should look like. It is divided into eight areas: management of development, definition of security requirements, design of se-curity solutions, secure development, testing of security features, handling of security vulnerabil-ities, creation and publication of updates and documentation of security features.

Preben Albrecht (Danfoss)



Tilmeldinger er lukket for dette arrangement.